Monday, September 12, 2011

International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2011 Premiere Video!

The Secret's out! you guys might want to check out Foxmorton & Crew in the newly released ITLAPD video!

'Cause, we rock!

And so do our ever-lovin' mates! You'll think they're awesome! (Because they ARRRRRRRR!)

 It's right on the front page!

And remember:
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day-September 19-Please comply.

From Chumbucket:
It's the "International Talk Like a Pirate Day Drunken Sailor Sing-Along a Go Go!" – edited by Mad Sally and featuring more than 30 separate clips of more than 50 pirates, four rubber chickens, Pandaboy, a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and a beer swillin' pig. They come from all over the U.S. – from the Virgin Islands to Seattle, from Los Angeles to upstate New York, with stops all over the country and more than a few surprises! The entire crew of The Pirate Guys LLC – Ol' Chumbucket and Slappy, Mad Sally and a version of Jezebel the Web Wench are all represented. There are professional singers (thank Neptune!) and enthusiastic amateurs, all havin' grand fun with one of the best-known, best-loved sea songs of all time.

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