Friday, May 25, 2007

A Divulgatory Mood


Arrrr! Well, I jumped th' gun an' seen it las' e'en!
I could na wait!

Brilliant! An' I do na care WHAT th' buggery critics spake!
It were FULL o' moments o' intense Piratical Pride......obscure pirate reference........a Fellini-esque nature in parts...... an' singularly a true 'Comin' Home' o' Piracy!

I actually can na wait t' see it on DVD so I can pause an' replay......there were a lot goin' on.

As fer th' rest I'll be sayin' naught........jus' let's ye find oot fer yerselves!
I be no expert in style nor were jus' like bein reunited wit' old friends once' that were good enough fer me! I'll leave th' flaws t' th' critics.

Though, I mus' say I were greatly disappointed at th' lack o' "true" piracy displayed by th'
Attendees in this here landlocked town.
It appears that I must acquiesce t' th' bloody Historical Society.....they were right.....
there really Arrrrrrrr no pirates in Clay...........(I can feel their gloatin' now.......)

(I mean......who GOES t' a pirate movie an' does na cheer when Keith Richard's makes an' appearance.........nor "Arrrrr's!" when th' colors be hoisted in an' orgasmic moment o' victory....?
(Hey...I gets it where I can, ok?)
(An' since precedent has been set wit' th' last two movies.....WHO does na KNOW (nor CARE) aboot th' easter egg at th' end? They were teemin' oot o' th' theatre liken unto lemmings hell bent on takin' on th' cliff whilst me an' th' lonely four other pirates are yellin.....'but, wait!)
I were perplexed an' saddened an' found me life t' be void o' meanin'............but, that ain't really news now is it.....?)

Oh well, they can lead Foxmorton int' a piratical void.......but they can na make her shrink........

Th' manager at th' mall looked at me (in full regalia!) an' jus' appeared confused.
I almos' wanted t' buy a ticket t' Spiderman jus' t' throw him off some more......
He said he ne'er thought t' do "somethin' like that"...............
Hmm. Pirates at a Pirate Movie.......go figure.

When I give 'im me "Pirates fer Hire" business card he said he wished he had known.......
'course, it were then that I reminded 'im that were what he said LAST BLOODY YEAR when I told 'im th' same thing...............he said no matter...there be $1.50 upgrade an' ye can na bring that pistol inside here, neither. Next!

Though, on th' upside....I DID manage t' fluster th' kid behind th' counter int' chargin' me fer a small grog when I really got th' big one. That way I only had t' take oot a loan at 18% payable in fourteen monthly installments.....

Ah, piracy.....ain't it grande?

Lookin' forward t' hearin' yer views!

Oh, an' by th''re right...I DON'T love you....
and yes, it DOES makes you look fat!

Fair Winds e'er an' always...........

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