Avast Mates!
Sendin' ye a wee bit o' Yuletide gladness an' me sincere gratitude t' all who took time from their sailin' t' venture a wee look-see at this here journal. 'Tis no finer feelin' than knowin' someone read what ye wrote from yer heart......
Wishin' ye th' thrill o' imagination....th' solace o' th' written word....an' th' magic o' bein' a pirate in th' comin' year........
I'll leaves ye wit' th' mos' wondrous thing what were said t' me in 2008:
Durin' a rainy outdoor summer Shakespeare rehearsal a wee lass came t' me wit' her umbrella and said that I was welcome t' use it t' stay dry. I noted that it were broken and was afeared she'd injure herself on th' offendin' pokey metal.
I said to her "Honey, it's broken."
To which she replied: "Yes. But it still gives shelter."
And methinks lads an' lasses.....that be all any o' us need t' really know..........
Fair Winds an' a followin' sea in 2009....
Cap'n Mimi Foxmorton
Merry Christmas I wish the snow would stop or no one will be getting home for the Holiday
Mad Peg.....
I will see you in the New Years!
Merry Christmas and Many Blessings
And t' ye an' yourn as well........
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